Our Products

Anchors & Chains

Anchors & Chains

Stockist for all types of anchors and anchor chains of Category And Grade: U2 and U3 for ship use; ORQ, R3,R3s,R4,R4s and R5

Ropes & Deck Fittings

Ropes & Deck Fittings

Wire Rope and Wire Rope Fittings, Which Including the Steel Wire Rope With Galvanized or Ungalv. or Bright Finished.

Multi-storage Solutions

Multi-storage Solutions

The careful design and installation of ship’s storage equipment helps to ensure tools and other items are stored neatly, safely and securely.

Deck & Engine Stores

Deck & Engine Stores

Blocks & cleats, Winches, Hatches & Vents, Anchors, Chain & Rope, Windlasses, Mooring Ropes, Lifeboats, Bedding, Heating, etc.

Fresh Provisions & Bonded Stores

Fresh Provisions & Bonded Stores

Meat, Poultry, Canned Products, Fish, Fruits and Vegetables, Dairy Products, Beverages, Bonded Stores, and Cigarettes & Tabacco

Hi there, Welcome

Richshore Marine Supplies Pte Ltd proudly presents itself and has a proven record to be one of the highly recommended marine & offshore suppliers locally and internationally.

The company was established in the year 1980 and has since grown to its present staff strength of more than 25 fully qualified trained professionals, each covering their various field of expertise, a full fleet of transporters and a total area of more than 20,000 sq. ft. of covered warehousing with complete logistics functionality to serve the marine and offshore community.


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December 10, 2024

Improve Your Marks with Much Better Essay Publishing

You’re starting a business blog, may you write for a 3 postings? sometimes a person happens to see attractive websites and yet so inviting that can’t […]
December 10, 2024

An Overview of Gun Control Policies in America

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